Lettings Manager
With over 16 years of experience in the property industry, Shoeni has cultivated a distinguished career that began in Fulham and Chelsea before expanding across South-West London and Surrey. Her expertise spans working with top-performing and international agencies and effectively leading high-performing teams to achieve outstanding results.
In 2024, Shoeni brought her wealth of experience and commitment to excellence to Curchods, spearheading the launch of a dedicated lettings department to complement the company’s highly successful sales team. Her in-depth knowledge of the Elmbridge property market and passion for delivering exceptional client service make her an integral part of the Curchods team.
“Shoeni was my guide and she was amazing anything I needed to get help with and she was there I am so lucky to have had such a dream team working with me to give me such a beautiful home - I am very lucky to have had the attention to detail , especially when it came to the paperwork and the help I received as I have been suffering cognitively . Thanks Shoeni and Laura and all that helped me land my beautiful home”